      To contact our system operator, please e-mail at: We will examine all your suggestions and recommendations.
      Currently all payments are received in cash therefore only residents of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region can order a translation work.
      Your mail should indicate the following (the obligatory items are marked with *):
* Your text for translation
   A translator's name and his/her identity number (if not provided in e-mail, then the translator would be chosen according to his/her specialization). Depending on text sizes, it can be translated in group.
* General subject of the text (for example, it may concern publicism, law, computer science and so on).
* Time constraints (no more than 3 pages per one translator and 10 pages per group. Please note that the terms should be realistic).
5. * Your telephone number
Student (membership appeal)
1. * Your name (real, not nickname)
2. * The university that you are studying at
3. * Year of study
4. * Language pairs and specialization (for example, English-Russian, Russian-English, Russian-German and so on). NOTE: you must provide both languages (i.e. German-Russian, Russian-German) if you choose to translate both from and into your native language. If you provide only one, for example, English-Russian, direction, you will receive only texts in English!
5. * Specialization. If you specialize in nothing, please write «general». The more exactly you indicate your specialization (automobile industry, oil industry, computers and so on), the more is a chance to get the job.
6. * Your telephone
7. * How frequently do you check your e-mail (once a day, once a week, once a month)
    After you have been registered, your name and provided information will be posted on the Community member's page.
To the beginning


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